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- St. Mark United Methodist Church458
- Sommer, D. Austen (Daniel Austen), 1878-1952240
- United States. Federal Security Administration. Public Health Service.139
- The Greenville News Print138
- United States Department of Education136
- De Fontaine, F. G. (Felix Gregory), 1832-1896129
- Charleston (S.C.). Citizens84
- Key Publications (Columbia, S.C.)72
- Fickling, Susan Markey65
- Snowden, Yates, 1858-193365
- Bohemians (New York Musicians' Club)62
- Clark, W.A. (Washington Augustus), b. 184259
- McSwain, John Jackson, 1875-193659
- Hollings, Ernest F., 1922-56
- Fuzzlebug, Fritz53
- Hill, Joseph M. (Joseph Morrison), 1864-195045
- Conrad, August37
- Martin, William E.37
- South Carolina Council on Human Relations37
- Trezevant, D. H. (Daniel Heyward), 1796-187337